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School Council Meeting - 14.03.23

Please see the minutes below:

 St James School Council Minutes


Tuesday 14th March 2023


Mr Gardner 

Mrs Jenkinson

Effie & George P - Y4

Erin & Corey - Y3 

Delilah - Y2

Alex & Theo - Yr 5

Maya & Abel - Yr R

Matilda & Zachary -  Yr N

Nyah & Bella - Yr 6

Apologies / absent

Jacob - Yr2

Maggie & Reuben - Y1





Keeping You Safe poster

Do the children think it is easy to read and child friendly?

Did they know that there were 5 adults with the special job of keeping them safe?

Corey likes the emojis.

Abel likes the frames and the colours.

Matilda would like a pretty flower.

Alex would like more colours.

Rainbow rather than House colours - all the colours somewhere?

Mr Gardner to add these ideas to poster if possible.

New School Council Ideas

Mr Gardner introduced the five concepts  on on the guide to developing the School Council

[see below]

Progress Board

Have a board with moving parts to display the progression of implemented ideas.

Mr Gardner to commandeer the long boards by the Year 1 cloakroom to repurpose as the School Council board.

Appoint a Governor

Have a Governor attend the meetings and monitor the minutes


Class meeting format

A quick 5 minute question sent to each class before the next meeting for us to receive feedback from the whole class.

Good idea 

Theo suggested it was on a conveyor belt


Every couple of weeks a table is setup by the hall or outside where children can submit their ideas in person.

The council love the idea - everyone would like to be involved on a rota system

Action Teams

For people with ideas there are new Action Teams form to fill in with boxes to write up their plan. It includes a box for an adult sponsor.


Alex suggested we have them in pouches on the wall


Matilda would like biscuits in Little Ducks. Middle of the day - after lunch? Mixture of types.


Curtains for the Reading shed

Snuggly toys on the playground so that children can have a snuggle

Corey wonders whether we can have changing room booths.

Mr Gardner will pass this onto the Little Ducks team

Mrs Jenkinson will look into making some and we are also starting up a Grounds Development Committee of adults

Corey to set up an Action Team once the new board is set up

Mrs Jenkinson suggested that we tell everyone to bring in / make a towelling outfit to change under

Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 18th April